
we outline our core principles and commitments that form the foundation of our organization’s values and actions. These non-negotiables guide our approach to governance, community engagement, environmental stewardship, and fostering harmonious relationships within the territory.

A) Geo-political neutrality

We affirm our unwavering commitment to geo-political neutrality, underlining our impartiality in matters of international politics and conflicts.

B) The ‘Riyasati’ Reference

The ‘Riyasati’ Reference holds significant importance for the local inhabitants, reflecting their deep-rooted connection with their heritage and culture. It symbolizes the shared identity of the people within this territory.

C) Ecological Concerns

Our organization is acutely aware of the ecological challenges facing our territory. We are dedicated to addressing these concerns with concrete actions and sustainable practices, ensuring the preservation of our natural environment for future generations.

D) Religious/Ideological Harmony and Co-existence

We prioritize religious and ideological harmony as a cornerstone of our efforts. We actively promote co-existence and mutual respect among diverse belief systems within our territory, fostering an inclusive and harmonious community.