Send letter

We urge our co-citizens of ‘AJK’ to forward the following letter to their members of parliament in the UK and their relevant congressmen/women in the USA. Please keep them engaged

Awaami Adaalat

This weekly event began on Friday, January 12th, 2024. From 19 years of independent, action-oriented research in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (#AJK), it is evident that our people have struggled

AJK Referendum 2023

Work on a #Referendum in #AJK began on the 10th of April 2023, after seeking renowned legal opinion from our diaspora; to research, verify, authenticate, manage and execute public policy

Twitter Space

Conflict to Peace through Public Policy In Jammu, Kashmir, and the surrounding regions, every resident—regardless of religion, belief, or background—is an owner and heir to the world’s most precious state.